Oberer Schlossgarten, Stuttgart

I don’t really mean the whole park (although there is a plethora of benches, most of them make you feel just too vulnerable under the public eye), but a row of benches that stretches behind a row of statues, in front of the Württembergische Kunstverein building. There are about four benches which are super-secluded, meaning that the passers-by barely notice you, but the whole area before the opera house is wide open to your eyes! The near-growing trees, marble statues, lake with birdies, and the magnificent opera house make this spot esthetic and cosy at the same time.

I grabbed a latte from the Coffreez at nearby König Str. 22 and spent half of the day with my book on the bench, thinking, watching people and clouds, simply staring at nothing in particular. A perfect spot for when you are not in your worst misanthropic mood but still want some quiet reading time:)

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